When using custom classes not generated by LINQ to SQL, Distinct() is unable to determine that two objects might be the same based on a key or all values within the objects, and simply sees two different objects regardless.
Distinct() has an overload which takes an IEqualityComparer, thus allowing you to specify the value or values in which to compare and determine uniqueness upon.
Ex: For simplicity, lets say the list of clients passed in has duplicates. OID is organization id, and CID is client id.
public static IEnumerable<CustomClient> GetClientsByOrganizationID(IEnumerable<CustomClient> clients, int oid)
using (DataContext db = new DataContext())
db.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false;
var query = from c in clients
join o in db.Organizations on c.OID equals o.OID
where o.OID == oid
select c;
return query.Distinct(new ClientComparer()).ToList();
public class ClientComparer : IEqualityComparer<CustomClient>
public bool Equals(CustomClient x, CustomClient y)
return x.CID == y.CID;
public int GetHashCode(CustomClient obj)
return obj.CID.GetHashCode();