Thursday, June 23, 2011

Azure inbound data will be free starting July 2011

To highlight…

Microsoft announced a change in pricing for the Windows Azure platform that will provide significant cost savings for customers whose cloud applications experience substantial inbound traffic, and customers interested in migrating large quantities of existing data to the cloud. For billing periods that begin on or after July 1, 2011, all inbound data transfers for both peak and off-peak times will be free.

Data in/Bandwidth in = free. 

Rock it Azure!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Azure Table Storage - Selecting a partial range with ID's used in Partition and Row Keys

To explain,  let’s say we have a row key comprised of SomeID and SomeOtherID delimited by a underscore, and we have the following set of records in a table:

If we wanted to get all records where SomeID is 1, we would use the “compareto” operator to retrieve a partial matching range.  Sample code shown here:

startRowKey = “1_”
endRowKey = “2_”

        public IList<T> GetAllByPartitionKeyAndRowKeyRange(string partitionKey, string startRowKey, string endRowKey)
            CloudTableQuery<T> query = (from c in this.CreateQuery<T>(TableName)
                                        where c.PartitionKey == partitionKey
                                        && c.RowKey.CompareTo(startRowKey) >= 0
                                        && c.RowKey.CompareTo(endRowKey) < 0
                                        select c).AsTableServiceQuery();
            query.RetryPolicy = this.RetrySettings;
            IEnumerable<T> results = query.Execute();

            return ConvertToList(results);

This would produce the following result set because of azures lexicographically ordering, as is compares one character at a time thus making 10 less than 2:

The only solution I could come up with was to build keys with the same character length and prepend x number of 0’s, or zero padding, for each id (we used 36, as that's a guid length). For ex, when inserting or selecting, an numerical id within a key would look like the following:

This gives our set of records to look like the following:

Which will now produce an accurate result set when queried.

Again this is in the situation that you have ID's in your Partition and Row Keys so using the property bag is not a viable solution to get around this. 

And remember not to do a partial look up on a Partition Key, that results in a regular old table scan.

This was a tough one, hope this helps!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Azure Table Storage - don’t use forward slash / character in PartitionKey or RowKey

 You’ll get the following error: “One of the request inputs is out of range.”

Characters Disallowed in Key Fields:

The following characters are not allowed in values for the PartitionKey and RowKey properties:
  • The forward slash (/) character
  • The backslash (\) character
  • The number sign (#) character
  • The question mark (?) character

Friday, June 3, 2011

Connect to SQL Server from Matlab

Alternatively you can create and use an ODBC connection, but if you would rather not do that for every database and server you wish to connect to, you can do the following using the JDBC driver.

1. Download the JDBC driver from Microsoft from:

2. Execute it, and it will be decompressed to the selected location

3. Create folder c:/SQLJDBC and place sqljdbc_2.0 inside it.

4. Start the Notepad application as administrator and open the file:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010a\toolbox\local\classpath.txt

5. Add a reference like this to the JDBC driver after the last line of that file:


6. After that you have to restart MATLAB and then you can test the connection:

dbConn = database('master', 'user', 'password', '', 'jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=master;');

7. To test the connection you can execute:


8. Please note that the local instance of SQL Server requires you to have the TCP/IP protocol network connections enabled.


Other references: